Anyways, I've been and still am not feeling to well. Got back from a wedding in Indianapolis and started feeling cold symptoms and it's been progessively getting worse. So, in case any of you have been wondering "What happened to that AJ guy?" I've been going to work then hiding.
But to keep in the spirit of cool & old school games, and because I don't have it in me to write much, and last because I'm taking a quick break at work I wanted to put out this link for....PEASANTS QUEST
Any of you that aren't familiar, it's from the great people at Videlectrix and found on the homestarrunner website. If you liked any of the old school quest games in my last blog then I think you'll at least find this ammusing.

Well I'd better get back to things but let me know what you think about this game.
man! I forgot about Homestarrunner. That game looks like a lot of fun!
Also, I'm going to have to play Kings Quest again. I haven't played that since I was in junior high. Thanks for reminding me about these wicked old games! :)
I played this at the library when I was guarding the coffee shop.
I forgot about Homestarrunner for quite a while to. I have fallen quite a bit behind in my Strong Bad episodes :)
I played Peasants Quest back when it first came out, I think Jason & I both did. I really like some of the funny comments you get back.
Honestly though, if people would make these games again I would def. start playing them.
I like the old graphics, but I think with todays graphics but nothing too crazy & still having to type out commands would be awesome.
Looks like I'm going to need to brush up on some programming & find someone good with drawing and I'll be in business making old school today games ;)
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