Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Peasants Quest

Well not a huge response on the old school video games of my younger days but was glad to see a couple people vote on what your favorite was during that period. I suppose I'm just an old man now, constantly day dreaming about old games :)

Anyways, I've been and still am not feeling to well. Got back from a wedding in Indianapolis and started feeling cold symptoms and it's been progessively getting worse. So, in case any of you have been wondering "What happened to that AJ guy?" I've been going to work then hiding.

But to keep in the spirit of cool & old school games, and because I don't have it in me to write much, and last because I'm taking a quick break at work I wanted to put out this link for....PEASANTS QUEST

Any of you that aren't familiar, it's from the great people at Videlectrix and found on the homestarrunner website. If you liked any of the old school quest games in my last blog then I think you'll at least find this ammusing.

Well I'd better get back to things but let me know what you think about this game.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Tay Zonday

Ok, during "The Office" last night the "Chocolate Rain" song came up and my good friend Jason shared with me some of the clips of this dude singing. So today I decided to look around some more here is another song he's done named "Explode" & I've got to say that his voice is pretty impressive:

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Time at Work vs Time at Home

Well, just got done working another 12+hr work day. Been getting more of those lately. One thing that I've noticed in life is that we seem to spend more and more time at work as we get older, mostly because our share of responsibilities is growing as we grow with companies.

As I am sure many of you have heard me preaching in the past, is it really a good thing that we spend so much time at work, just to come home at the end of the day and be disgusted with how the day was spent. Now I know we all don't dislike our jobs, but at least in my case I am happy to have the job in the area that I live in, but that being said there are too many wrongs compared to the rights.

So, I decided to do some quick, basic math. Below is what I've come up with:
  • 10hr work days 5x a week = 50hrs a week
  • 50hrs a week = 200hrs a month
  • 200hrs a month = 2400hrs a year
  • Take away for let's say 5 weeks of vacation a year = 200hrs
  • You end up with = 2200hrs
  • Then add in those random times called in or called when at home we'll say approx. = 100hrs
  • Total = 2300 hrs spent at work a year.
Now, let's look at time spent at home/doing something other then our career/work and not sleeping:
  • 6hrs a night after work 5 work days = 30hrs a week.
  • 16hrs a day for the weekend x2 days = 32hrs a week.
  • 30hrs a week + 32hrs on weekends = 62hrs a week.
  • 62hrs a week = 248hrs a month
  • 248hrs a month = 2976hrs a year doing something other then being at our place of business.
So I finish us up with:
  • We have a total of 5,176 hours for one year.
  • 2200 hours at work / 5,176 total hours = 42.5%
  • 2976 hours at home / 5176 total hours = 57.5%
First off, yes I know, this is a very rough display and is not at all completely accurate at least in my case I am sure I spend more time@work then I put on this example. And it doesn't include holidays but this does at least give us ball park figures to work with.

So, if I am spending roughly 42.5% of a year at work. I sure as heck should be doing something to be sure that it's worth it. Yes, a paycheck is very important. No disputing that, but at what point of my life did I let go of the fact that there is more to life then just a job. I do try to spend the 57.5% of my free time having fun and doing things I enjoy doing. But as we all know that time is being gobbled up constantly as well doing home repairs, working on bills, etc.

I'm not ungrateful to have a job, and it's gotten me where I am today. But when I see the time spent doing my job...well I guess I want to look back when I am older and not just say that I spent all that time trying to just get by in life. I want to feel like I've really accomplished something. Not just at home or with a family, but accomplished something in my career because it is a huge part of my life. Of all of our lives. And how happy we are with our careers effects us in so many ways including our family, friends, and many other aspects of our personal lives.

I guess this is just something I've been thinking of but I would like to hear your thoughts as well. Let me know what your thinking on this subject.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Movie Watched This Weekend: Appaloosa

Toni & I went to the movies Sunday night and watched the new western that just came out called Appaloosa. The movie was so/so. I'm a huge fan of westerns and the directing done by Ed Harris was good and the acting by Ed Harris, Viggo Mortensen, and Jeremy Irons was good. But the story itself just lacked's one of those movies that you leave from and you just don't feel that you got the full movie experience. Usually westerns it's pretty easy to follow the motives of the characters but in this movie I found it difficult to follow the motives behind the main character played by Ed Harris. Parts of the movie he was a "bad ass" then in other parts I just couldn't figure out what the heck he was thinking. It just made for a somewhat poor storyline.

I don't want to get into it too much because I don't like telling the story of these movies and ruining it for others but I will say that if you haven't seen the movie yet I would just wait till DVD. It's good enough to rent, not good enough to pay $8 or so to sit in crappy seats in our theatre here in P-Burg.

If you have seen it let me know what your thoughts of the movie were.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Upcoming Election

Don't have much time to get into much on here but after watching the VP debates last night I wanted to post a link that I've been going to just to get some general information that might help with any of you looking for basic info on the candidates.

Let me know what you think about the site. I think it does a good job just giving us some info to use in helping with our decisions coming up.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The New Knight Rider

Ok...this will be fairly short, blunt, and to the point. First off let me say that I am sorry to all the Knight Rider fans out there. Any of you who have caught the new series Knight Rider on television lately will probably agree with me that it is plain old crap. Now don't get me wrong, I love seeing beautiful women and exotic cars as much as the next guy, but that's all the show has. They dumped all of their money in the special effects for the car and were left with nothing else. Extremely bad acting, a horrible story line, and the show is a constant commercial for Ford since apparently KIT can now also transform into a Ford F150...

I had to give the show a shot...I loved the original. And yes, I know the original was cheesy but for it's time it was at least pretty good. It only began getting kind of crappy when they started the super pursuit deal. But this new show has started right off the bat with poop and apparently is going to keep displaying poop on my TV.

If it weren't for the fact that NBC actually put out good shows like Heroes or The Office I would probably never watch the channel.

It's just a real shame to see what could have been an awesome show turn into what it is.