It is 18:36 right now and she is on her way of having her 5th one so I'd better get back to my fatherly duties of watching Toni do all the work and I sit and drink a beer while petting Emma :)
>Update 22:47: Well the 5th one came out fine. Toni believes there are more though and it's been a couple hours since the last one. We called the 24x7 vet line and since there has been no after-birth it looks like we'll be taking Emma to the vet tomorrow to induce labor if needed.
>Update 00:15: She has had a 6th pup that is healthy.
>Update: 07:30: Emma is doing well and so are the pups. But she appears to still have at least one more in her and she has not had it yet. We called the 24x7 vet line early in the morning and they recommended we go ahead and bring her in to induce labor on her to get the last one out and to check her over. I'll be leaving work at about 9:30 and Toni and I will be taking her over to the vet.
>Update - 11:25: All was good at the vets office. What we think is that there was still some afterbirth inside of her so he gave Emma a shot to help pass that. Other then that we have a great mom in good health with five pups all in good health. Now the next adventure of caring for all these puppies as they get bigger :) I'll post up some more pics this evening.
Oh wow! That's great! I didn't even know she was pregnant. Congratulations!
Thanks bro, def. wasn't expected that's for sure. She came to us that way. But she's been a good mom :)
Glad to hear there's another healthy one!
Thanks, just hoping that the one's still inside her our ok. Will keep posted.
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